Tuesday, May 29

Finally one of my own

So I've been loving reading blogs for quite some time now...it's time I have my own. More for the journaling purpose and I just really need to have one more thing on my list of things to keep up with! I'll either crash and burn with it or it'll become my strongest addiction...I guess it's pretty safe compared to my alternatives.

The person who's really inspired me to start mine is someone that I don't even know...never met...stalk her blog...love her stories. Deanna has kept me reading about their family of four and I can relate to their life experiences. I told her I'd have a blog that she could stalk...so here it is...don't get too excited though! I know that Deanna's #1 passion is for God and that's where we have an instant bond. She's a sister in Christ...it's amazing how God can use the internet for His purposes. May He use this blog in whatever way brings him fame and glory!

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