Rewind about 2 years...we have been praying about, reading about, talking about how Jesus died on the cross to save all people from their sins. By choosing to trust Him to forgive those sins, we will be in heaven with Jesus when we die. Braden has a full understanding of the story of Jesus death and resurrection and why Jesus chose to do that for us.
Back to our conversation...We reminded him that he doesn't have to miss his friends, if he and his friends are sure they have asked Jesus to forgive them, so they can all live in heaven one day. It was an awesome chance to remind him that he has to make that decision for himself...not Daddy, not Mommy, not Grandparents, not friends...He was in charge of that choice. What a big one for a young guy!
The wheels must have been turning for him, because he soon held up a finger and said, "Mommy, don't listen to this..." He turned away from me, folded his hands and whispered a prayer...."Dear Jesus, please come into my heart and forgive my sins."
Wooohooo! We were excited...almost shocked...but we know that he understands and firmly believe that He became a new addition to God's family at that moment. Brent told him that he had just made the most important choice of his life. The angels were celebrating for we had to also. It was great for little bro to hear the entire conversation and hear the excitement too.
So what better way for us to celebrate than to have a Blue Moon party...Don't they look happy? It got a little crazy, but what's a celebration without some craziness?
Thank you Lord for making your way clear for our boy...we can only trust your perfect timing for your plan to sink in to the heart of one who needs you. It's all You made it click for him!
The boys celebrating New Life!