Sunday, July 20

Cute & funny

These boys of ours are such blessings and have kept us having fun and laughing this summer for sure. I had this goal of posting more frequently this month, but I guess life takes over sometimes. And then a computer goes nuts and won't let you login to your fave accounts. We still have a dinosaur computer to work off, but I don't dare try to upload pics/videos with it. I'd be here til next week. Therefore, no pics with this post. (I love to include pics...because I just love pics!)

Brent has spent much time with the boys lately. It's been so spoiling and has allowed me to have some shopping time and a chance to get things done that just need to get done. I had a doctor appt. last week and ran several errands that day too. Later that night, we were all driving in the van and our little guy piped up out of the blue,

"Hey Mom, how was your dr. appt.?" I didn't realize that he even knew what I was doing today.

"Great! Thanks for asking! I really like my new doctor." He melts my heart sometimes. My boy that is...not really my new doctor.

"What was your doctor's name?" He really wanted to keep chatting about this.

"Dr. Raymond is his name and he loves Jesus! That means a lot to us!" I said.

"Oh. I know a doctor and his name is Dr. Bob!" (The boys love their pediatrician.)

"You're right and he loves Jesus too! That's really special that both our doctors love Jesus."

"Yeah. And I love Jesus too! I will love Him for 100 days!"

Apparently that's a long time for a guy his age. He just makes us smile!

Then today, I asked the boys to help me clean up a bit. I was assigning them a task and the big brudder said,
"It would be great if I got to make all the rules around here."

"Oh really? What one rule would you make first?" I asked.

"You would be the one to do all the work around here." I guess that's his idea of a rule.

"Great. Then what would that make you?" (I was thinking he would answer "A spoiled brat" as that's what we tell them they'll be if they always get exactly what they want.)

"A dad."

Wow, how did he make the coorelation?? The one who does little work ends up being the dad? Hmmm....very interesting! Ha! Obviously, based on Brent's awesome involvement lately, he's not deducing that from our household. Not sure who else he's been watching though! :-)

Thursday, July 3

"New" friend in the blogosphere

As of late, several friends have started blogging and I'm so excited to hear from them! It's really cool that even when you know someone personally, you can get to know them even more through a blog and how they write. God had made people with so much depth...He's made so many sides to each person.

Enjoy the writings of a sweet friend, Heather, and what God's doing in her life and her family's life right now. She's always been one to keep ears open for God's voice. It sounds like He's speaking in His "loud voice" to them right now. :-) And they're following one step at a time. Her husband's been blogging for quite some time now and now he's got her connected! It's quite contagious, so be may be the next one to sign on!

Tuesday, July 1

Creation Education

We're going to rewind a couple of weeks back to our VBS week...

Operation Space: A Close Encounter with God's Word excellent week and one of the most memorable each year for our family. Each year the curriculum is written around the truths of Creation Science and how God & His word relate to and fuel our lives today.

This year we focused on....SPACE (you guessed it) and the amazing way that God created our planet to be the perfect & only known place to display His glory in His own image - humans!

Our boys LOVED it and were so thrilled to start a new day & arrive at VBS each morning. We usually struggle during our busy weeks. So it was "somethin" that they didn't whine & throw fits when we had to get out the door in the am. Clearly the hand of God helping out in our daily lives and drawing our boys to love what they were learning about Him!

During the week, our good friend mentioned her son has been listening to a set of CD's called "The Jonathan Park Series." I wondered if they would be more appropriate for older kids, but we picked up a set at the VBS bookstore anyhow. Well...BOTH boys are HOOKED on them!

They ask to hear them in the van, no matter the length of the trip & as they go to bed at night. This 4-CD set is packed full of 12 episodes of adventure. While these made-for-radio dramas are classified as fiction, they are based on actual places & scientific discoveries. Brent and I have really enjoyed listening along and have learned a lot ourselves!

If you're looking for come good ear-candy for a road trip, we suggest Jonathan Park to keep the whole family in tune & learning more about defending our faith in God & His creation!

(Note some new sites that "grow me" in the sidebar!)