Thursday, September 25

Free Download!

So there's finally a new song on the playlist over there. Thanks to this site, I got a free download and I'm liking it! I've heard a lot of Lincoln Brewster, mostly on our local radio station, but I haven't "picked up" on him yet. But I am liking this song...Today is the Day. Get this song free (and a new one every week) when you have an account with them.

Taken straight from Psalm 118:24 -
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Learned this one young, but it's so true that no matter what our day holds, we can trust that God made it for a reason and we can be glad! What a great song to hear each morning...especially the ones when we're dragging. I probably won't be doing any jumping around to it as I get ready though...can you envision that with my growing belly?

"And I won't worry about tomorrow, I'm trusting in what you is the day."


The Butler Family said...

Very important lesson especially as we listen to the news about the economy and the stock market. Thanks for the reminder!

Anonymous said...

What a great way to start your day...Today is the day! Let us REJOYCE and be glad in it! Praise God for another day with my family, and you with yours. Thank you for blessing my day!