Thursday, March 27


Brent has had some spots appear on his face within the last couple of years. I'm sure it's just age, but we wanted to rule out any skin cancer possibilities, b/c they kind of looked like sunspots. He willingly let me schedule him an appointment with the dermatologist. Wow...that was amazing. I didn't have to argue with him over it. Men just love going to the dentist & doctor don't they? I think Brent has softened to the idea over the past years. He seems to have gotten over the fear of them...until today.

When I scheduled the appointment, I clearly stated that the spots were on his FACE. When he came home today, I asked him how it went.

"Did YOU schedule me for a full-body check?!?"

Ha, ha, ha!!!!! That was so funny. When the P.A. came in and handed him the paper robe, he said "I just need you to look at my face."

"You SHOULD do this once a year," she responded.

I don't think he cared what he SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do at that point. Thankfully, he knew he SHOULDN'T run out of the office at that moment. He endured it and the spots are enlarged oil glands. Phew!

We'll see if I get fired from my scheduling duties though!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell Brent he's lucky he doesn't have to go every 6 months like Mike for a "full" body scan. :-)